
she's back

back again!

in the meantime, i have:
  • not watched as many episodes of battlestar galactica as i'd hoped (only on 4.5 -- and to think i'd been afraid of finishing before the end of the school year!), but it helped like you would not believe with my thesis
  • watched a hard day's night & subsequently acquired every single beatles song + enough knowledge to sometimes have coherent discussions abt their music + the strangest complex re: john lennon being literally despicable & john lennon being a fascinating, v talented dude
  • committed to the university of ------------ !
  • earned myself a trip to france this summer (three weeks in champagne, i think?)
  • baked the following chocolate chip/chunk cookie recipes, with varying levels of success -- still in search of the perfect one: salted chocolate chunk cookies (smitten kitchen), crispy chewy chocolate chip cookies (smitten kitchen), brown sugar chocolate chip cookies (butter baking). all good! all recommended!
  • read THE GOLDFINCH which changed my life; also HUIS CLOS which changed my life as well but not really in the way sartre probably intended
  • not been home enough to do much else besides learn how to play twist & shout really, really clumsily on my guitar i've had for six years & only just truly started to play